Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Babutsidze, Z.; Blankenberg, A.-K., & A. Chai (2023). The effect of traditional media consumption and internet use on environmental attitudes in Europe, Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
  2. Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2022). Identity and Well-being in the Skilled Crafts and Trades, Kyklos, 75:184-235. (Open Access)
  3. Welsch, H.; Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2021). Green behavior, green self-image, and subjective well-being: Separating affective and cognitive relationships, Ecological Economics, 179.
  4. Binder, M.; Blankenberg, A.-K. & H. Welsch (2020). Pro-Environmental Norms, Green Lifestyles, and Subjective Well-Being: Panel Evidence from the UK, Social Indicators Research.
  5. Binder, M.; Blankenberg, A.-K. & J. Guardiola (2020). Does it have to be a sacrifice? Different notions of the good life, pro-environmental behavior and their heterogeneous impact on well-being",  Ecological Economics, 167.
  6. Proeger, T. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2017). PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT IN GROUPS - EVIDENCE FROM A FIELD EXPERIMENT. Applied Economics Letters, 1-8.
  7. Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2017). Green lifestyles and subjective well-being: More about self-image than actual behavior? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 137: 304-323.
  8. Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2016). Environmental worries, volunteering and subjective well-being: Antecedents and outcomes of environmental activism in Germany, Ecological Economics 124: 1-16.
  9. Blankenberg, A.-K. & G. Buenstorf (2016). Regional co-evolution of firm population, innovation and public research? Evidence from the West German laser industry, Research Policy 45(4): 857-868.

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Blankenberg, A.-K. & J. Gottschalk (2021). Is socially responsible investing (SRI) in stocks a competitive capital investment? A review of the literature and a comparative analysis based on the performance of sustainable stocks. In: Franzen, A. & S. Mader (eds.), Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Edward Elgar Publishing (in press).
  2. Binder M., & A.-K. Blankenberg. (2021) Self-Employment and Subjective Well-Being. In: Zimmermann K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, Cham.       
  3. Hemme, D. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2019): »« - Werkstattbericht zu einem Projekt inter- und transdisziplinärer Glücksforschung im Handwerk. In: Groth, Stefan; May, Sarah; Müske, Johannes (Hg.): Vernetzt, entgrenzt, prekär? Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Arbeit im Wandel. Frankfurt.       
  4. Blankenberg, A.-K. (2015): From evolution to co-evolution. An empirical study of the role of innovation, policy and public research in industrial dynamics, Kobra, Kassel.                     

Other Publications (other scientific contributions, scientific working papers)

  1. Blankenberg, A.-K. & Binder, M. (2020). Zum beruflichen Selbstbild und zur Arbeits- und Lebenszufriedenheit im Handwerk in Deutschland. Göttinger Beiträge zur Handwerksforschung (Heft 42). Göttingen.
  2. Seegebarth, B., Sohn, S. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2020). Structured Abstract: The power of consumers' sustainable product purchasing. In: Academy of Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Annual Conference, Miami, USA 2020.
  3. Binder, M.; Blankenberg, A.-K. & H. Welsch (2019) : Peer influences and proenvironmental behavior: Panel evidence for the role of regional prevalence and diversity, cege Discussion Papers, No. 367, University of Göttingen, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (cege), Göttingen
  4. Blankenberg, A.-K. & H. Alhusen (2019). On the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Literature Review and Guide for the Empirical Economist, cege Discussion Papers, No. 350, University of Göttingen, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (cege), Göttingen
©Ann-Kathrin Blankenberg
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