Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Babutsidze, Z.; Blankenberg, A.-K., & A. Chai (2023). The effect of traditional media consumption and internet use on environmental attitudes in Europe, Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
- Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2022). Identity and Well-being in the Skilled Crafts and Trades, Kyklos, 75:184-235. (Open Access)
- Welsch, H.; Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2021). Green behavior, green self-image, and subjective well-being: Separating affective and cognitive relationships, Ecological Economics, 179.
- Binder, M.; Blankenberg, A.-K. & H. Welsch (2020). Pro-Environmental Norms, Green Lifestyles, and Subjective Well-Being: Panel Evidence from the UK, Social Indicators Research.
- Binder, M.; Blankenberg, A.-K. & J. Guardiola (2020). Does it have to be a sacrifice? Different notions of the good life,
pro-environmental behavior and their heterogeneous impact on
well-being", Ecological Economics, 167.
- Proeger, T. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2017). PAY-WHAT-YOU-WANT IN GROUPS - EVIDENCE FROM A FIELD EXPERIMENT. Applied Economics Letters, 1-8.
- Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2017). Green lifestyles and subjective well-being: More about self-image than actual behavior? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 137: 304-323.
- Binder, M. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2016). Environmental worries, volunteering and subjective well-being: Antecedents and outcomes of environmental activism in Germany, Ecological Economics 124: 1-16.
- Blankenberg, A.-K. & G. Buenstorf
(2016). Regional co-evolution of firm population, innovation and public
research? Evidence from the West German laser industry, Research Policy 45(4):
Books and Book Chapters

- Blankenberg, A.-K. & J. Gottschalk (2021). Is socially responsible investing (SRI) in stocks a competitive capital investment? A review of the literature and a comparative analysis based on the performance of sustainable stocks. In: Franzen, A. & S. Mader (eds.), Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Edward Elgar Publishing (in press).
- Binder M., & A.-K. Blankenberg. (2021) Self-Employment and Subjective
Well-Being. In: Zimmermann K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources
and Population Economics, Springer, Cham.
- Hemme,
D. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2019): »« -
Werkstattbericht zu einem Projekt inter- und transdisziplinärer
Glücksforschung im Handwerk. In: Groth, Stefan; May, Sarah; Müske,
Johannes (Hg.): Vernetzt, entgrenzt, prekär? Kulturwissenschaftliche
Perspektiven auf Arbeit im Wandel. Frankfurt.
- Blankenberg, A.-K. (2015): From evolution to co-evolution. An empirical study of the role of innovation, policy and public research in industrial dynamics, Kobra, Kassel.
Other Publications (other scientific contributions, scientific working papers)

- Blankenberg, A.-K. & Binder, M. (2020). Zum beruflichen Selbstbild und zur Arbeits- und Lebenszufriedenheit im Handwerk in Deutschland. Göttinger Beiträge zur Handwerksforschung (Heft 42). Göttingen.
- Seegebarth, B., Sohn, S. & A.-K. Blankenberg (2020). Structured Abstract: The power of consumers' sustainable product purchasing. In: Academy of Marketing Science, Proceedings of the Annual Conference, Miami, USA 2020.
- Binder, M.; Blankenberg, A.-K. & H. Welsch (2019) : Peer influences and proenvironmental behavior: Panel evidence for the role of regional prevalence and diversity, cege Discussion Papers, No. 367, University of Göttingen, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (cege), Göttingen
- Blankenberg, A.-K. & H. Alhusen (2019). On the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behavior: A Literature Review and Guide for the Empirical Economist, cege Discussion Papers, No. 350, University of Göttingen, Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (cege), Göttingen